Monday, January 21, 2013

Fruitful Monday

I wish most of my days are as fruitful and productive as today.

0800 Woke up
0830 Fetch beaver to work
0900 Check in to clinic to get in line
0910 Back home for a dump
0935 Breakfast with Choon Teik @ Lip Sin (Prawn Noodles)

1030 Fruit purchase as Lip Sin Market
1100 Groceries shopping at Jusco
1130 Back home and on to preparing chicken
1230 Oatmeal scramble eggs with bread and a glass of skim milk

1315 Hair cut and shower
1400 Rest
1430 Back to clinic to collect medication and to say goodbye + thanks for my family doctor of 7 years
1510 Check in @ dentist for scaling (RM65) and (RM50 each)
1620 Pick beaver up from work
1700 Snack, shower, light cleaning & light packing
1900 Nap
2000 Dinner & National Geographic
2200 Back home to R&R and Blog!
2300 Sleep time!

Now how did I miss out going to the gym? :)

By the way, it is not a work day today because it the Sultan of Kedah's birthday.

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