Sunday, January 15, 2012

Septoplasty & Submucous Diathermy (SMD)

I finally had this done on 1/10/2012 at Loh Guan Lye Hospital in Penang.
My ENT doctor was Dr. Lim Seh Guan.
My nose has been blocked for many years; so much so that I have become accustomed to breathing with only 1 nostril.

There were 2 main procedures done.

Septoplasty - to correct the shape of my septum which was badly bent.
You can watch the video by following the link below.

I actually watched this a day before my surgery.
Not a very bright idea :)

Submucous Diathermy - to remove the excess tissue which is also blocking my nasal passageway

So, this is what was removed from my nose during septoplasty.
You can see a big bone right in the center of the picture.
I thought I would be in a lot pain after the procedure but surprisingly there has been no pain at all.

I was told that the procedure was completed in 20 minutes. 
But I was kept under observation for about 2 hours as general anesthetic was used for my surgery.
I woke up hungry and asked for food!

Thank you Dr. Lim for the great job done. I can breathe very well now!
Next stop, dental surgery.

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